Now, I’ve made homemade spaghetti sauce using cans. I’m talking real, authentic, oh-my-goodness-this-is-sooooooo-good! homemade tomato sauce using only fresh tomatoes.
Cause, look!

So, how was this lovely creation made? With our fresh homegrown tomatoes, of course!
There is something so thrilling and satisfying to pick a vegetable from your garden to cook for dinner. It really is like growing money. And plus, when you know it’s truly organic? Well, you really can’t beat that!
Let’s get to the recipe. I promise you this is the best homemade spaghetti sauce you’ll ever have in your life. I will have to warn you, though, this recipe does take a long time.
From start to finish, I say I was making this sauce for about an hour. I have an abundance of small tomatoes so it took a while for all of this to get done.

I do feel, however, if I had bigger tomatoes, it probably wouldn’t have taken so long and I would’ve used fewer tomatoes. So, let’s just say an hour on the long side and possibly 30 minutes on the short side. This isn’t something to get started as you’re cooking dinner; this is an all-day project so it’ll be ready just in time for dinner.
Now, if you look carefully at my photo, though the recipe calls for seedless tomatoes (you’ll be plucking out the seeds), I didn’t pluck out all of them. It doesn’t make a difference in taste and it’s more of a presentation look.
- 8 very ripe tomatoes. (For this recipe, I used the smaller tomatoes out of my garden, but if you’re going to the store, you’ll need to use the bigger tomatoes.)
- 1-2 cloves garlic (chopped or minced)
- 1 – 1 1/2 teaspoons oregano
- 1/4-1/2 teaspoon salt
- Fresh basil
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 3 cups cooked pasta of your preference.
- Wash tomatoes and place in a large pot, cover with boiling water and let sit for approximately 10 minutes.
- It should be easy to remove the skin, but be careful because it will be very hot. Remove skin and squeeze out excess water, seeds and any white or yellow flesh, cut into small pieces.
- In a frying pan or wok, add olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, oregano, salt, freshly chopped basil leaves.
- Mix together and then squish gently with a fork, cook uncovered on medium heat till thickened,(while the sauce is cooking occasionally gently squish with a wooden spoon or fork).
- Simmer for 20 – 25 minutes.
- While sauce is cooking boil the water, add salt and cook pasta al dente.
- Serve immediately with freshly grated Parmesan Cheese. Enjoy!